
The Harford Chamber works to both foster the next generation of leaders and provide established individuals with valuable professional development opportunities.

The CONECT (Chamber Organized Network for Education and Career Training) initiative fills a community need – bringing together Harford County businesses, government organizations, and educational institutions to recruit and develop a talented workforce to lead Harford County into the future. CONECT identifies volunteer opportunities such as guest speaking and mentorship programs where the business community can offer industry expertise, as well as, internship programs for first-hand industry experience and education. Visit for more information and to register as a volunteer or work-based opportunities. 

The Harford County Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation raises scholarship funds throughout the year and through their Mini Golf Fundraiser, and scholarship sponsors, $11,450 was raised in FY 2020. Ten scholarships were awarded to deserving high school seniors, returning adults and returning veterans in Harford County. The Chamber regularly hosts educational webinars presented by industry experts and provides professional development resources to members throughout the year.